Apple cider vinegar for UTI

in this article, we are going to talk about apple cider vinegar and it’s benefits for the people who have UTI.

also, apple cider vinegar is not 100% beneficial for the UTI so you must know how to use it correctly in order to utilize it in the best way without getting harmed by it.

apple cider vinegar is beneficial for the people who have UTI because it has the ability to stop bacterial growth. apple cider vinegar can be used by the people who suffer from UTI in two main ways. these two ways are:

1) you dilute it with water or add some amount of it to salads and then drink it or eat the first way is by mouth.

2) you add it to your bathtub water and sit in the bathtub for the second way is direct to the genitals.

join us in this article as we explain each way of using the apple cider vinegar for the people who suffer from UTI. and also we will explain why is apple cider vinegar beneficial or helpful for the UTI people. and also what are the possible risks that the apple cider vinegar might have on the people who use it?

but before that!

here you can check Bragg’s gluten free organic apple cider vinegar price on amazon which is basically one of the best and most trusted apple cider vinegar products.

how to use apple cider vinegar to get rid of the uti?

1) diluting it with water or adding it to salad:

apple cider vinegar is a very concentrated acid.

it’s a very acidic liquid.

why is it an acidic liquid?

well basically because it’s a vinegar and all vinegars are acidic.

all of the vinegars including apple cider vinegar contain the acetic acid compound which is a very acidic compound. besides apple cider vinegar contain other acidic compounds in addition to the acetic acid.

that what makes raw or undiluted apple cider vinegar a very acidic compound.

drinking raw or undiluted apple cider vinegar can cause serious health risks. health risks like injury to the inner lining of the mouth, throat, or the esophagus. and also injury to other organs of the body as well.

so people need to dilute apple cider vinegar to a high extent before they can drink it or put it with their salads or other foods.

there is no standard rule to how much you should dilute apple cider vinegar before you drink it or incorporate it with food. but the more you dilute it the better.

we don’t want you to be visiting the emergency department of the hospital near you because of the apple cider vinegar. but there is a general thing that you can sometimes follow which is:

dilute one tablespoon full of apple cider vinegar with 1 liter or at least 750 ml of water and mix them.

other websites like PlushCare suggest that you can dilute one tablespoon full of apple cider vinegar with 500 ml or 250 ml of water. but I think that maybe somewhat risky because the more you dilute the vinegar it will be less acidic on the body and the less you dilute it, then it will be more acidic on the body.

the less acidic the vinegar will be the fewer dangers it’s gonna have on the body. because too much acidity as we said earlier can be dangerous.

people who have an upset stomach or some kind of ulcer or a heartburn problem should dilute the apple cider vinegar more than normal. maybe they should dilute one tablespoon full with 1 liter of water or more. and maybe they shouldn’t drink apple cider vinegar or any other similar vinegar, especially if their problem was serious.

apple cider vinegar tablets

these tablets are sold in some markets around the world.

according to the journal of the academy of nutrition ingesting apple cider vinegar tablets have caused many injuries.

injuries to the mouth, throat, stomach, and kidneys of those who ingested the apple cider vinegar tablets. so I would highly recommend not using any apple cider vinegar tablets not for UTI nor for any other thing else.

apple cider vinegar incorporated with food

many people add small amounts of different kinds of vinegar to their foods especially salads. the apple cider vinegar is no exception.

adding small amounts of diluted (or maybe even undiluted) apple cider vinegar to your salad can be a very healthy thing to your UTI.

as for the amount that you should add, there is no universal agreement on this. it will depend on how much salad you have and whether the apple cider vinegar is diluted or not.

the only thing that you should keep in mind is that you should not add too much of the apple cider vinegar so that it won’t make the salad too much acidic.

making it too much acidic can cause you the dangers that we have mentioned earlier.

always put less than what you think is enough if you don’t know how much to add. also you can ask your mother because she definitely knows about salad dressings.

adding apple cider vinegar to cranberry juice or green tea

I don’t recommend doing this although it can be beneficial but there could be some risks that you don’t want to be exposed to.

mixing two liquids together can sometimes cause a chemical reaction between the different compounds in the mixture. especially with green tea because it’s a hot drink and the hot conditions encourage chemical reactions.

my point is that we don’t know what we are mixing because cranberry juice and tea have many compounds in their composition that even scientists don’t know.

also, the apple cider vinegar has many compounds in its composition. am not saying that by adding apple cider vinegar to the tea or the cranberry juice that chemical reactions will definitely occur. but it could happen and we don’t know so from a precautionary point of view I would recommend that take each one of these beverages separately.

if you take them separately you can utilize the benefits of each one of them separately without fear from any dangers they might carry if they got mixed.

2) Adding apple cider vinegar to your bathtub water.

this is another way that some people use to get rid of their UTI. it does not cure UTI, but it somewhat helps in the process of treatment. also, it can be used as a prophylaxis (prevention) for UTI.

people also add other things sometimes besides apple cider vinegar. things like essential oils and other vinegar types.

whether if adding other things to your bathtub water beside the apple cider vinegar is a good thing or not depends on the things that you will add.

be careful not to add too much of the apple cider vinegar to your bathtub water.

putting too much apple cider vinegar to your bathtub water can cause irritation especially to the sensitive skin of the genitals.

one cup of apple cider vinegar added to the whole bathtub water can be enough. you can increase the amount of apple cider vinegar you put in the bathtub a little bit if you find it suitable.

after adding the vinegar and waiting for it to dissolve maybe you can stir the bathtub water by your hand a little bit, then you can sit in the bathtub for about 15 minutes and then wash your self with regular water.

In this way, the apple cider vinegar will be directly in touch with the areas where your UTI might begin. and I mean by that the urethra and the areas around it.

And, by having the bacteria-killing ability that apple cider vinegar has, it can kill or stop the growth of some of the bacteria living there if there are any.

Ps: the urethra is the last part of the urinary tract it carries the urine from the bladder to the outside.

most of the UTIs begin in the urethra and then climb it up to reach the bladder. for more information about that subject please visit our baths for uti article.

after displaying for you the ways in which you can use the apple cider vinegar to aid in the process of treating the UTI, we will now tell you why is apple cider vinegar good for you if you have a UTI or does it really work for the people who have UTI?

can apple cider vinegar help in treating the uti?

of course, it can if used in the right way.

apple cider vinegar is not a medication that’s designed specifically to treat UTI.

you should not expect it to cure your UTI completely especially if you have a UTI that’s in a progressed stage (not in the beginning stage). nor you should consider it as the sole treatment for your UTI condition even if your UTI was in its beginning the best use for apple cider vinegar is to use it as a way to protect yourself against the UTI especially if you are someone who suffers from the problem of recurrent UTI.

recurrent UTI means the UTI that keeps coming back even after treating it successfully, more info about that is in this article.

another method is to use apple cider vinegar to contain the UTI and prevent it from progressing and maybe turning into a kidney infection which is not a good thing before you can go to the doctor.

finally, you can use it with the treatments given by your doctor to help in the treatment process.

now what is apple cider vinegar and why could it be used for UTI management purposes?

from its name, apple cider vinegar is a vinegar. it basically has two compounds that have made it a vinegar and they are acetic acid and malic acid. these two acids especially acetic acid is basically what has made apple cider vinegar a vinegar.

many pieces of research have shown that acetic acid possesses antibiotic activity.

this research even shows that acetic acid can kill or stop the growth of many types of bacteria that cause wound infections so it concludes that it can be used as an antiseptic for wounds.

also, there are some medical acetic acid ear drops products that are used to treat ear infections, and they were very successful in treating those infections.

on the other hand, the high acidity of the apple cider vinegar can kill or stop the growth of the UTI bacteria on its own.

because bacteria do not prefer to live in acidic conditions. in other words acidity kills the bacteria.

bacteria prefer to live in somewhat alkaline conditions. so usually for people who have a UTI, their urine will be alkaline because the bacteria will make it alkaline to suit their needs.

so when you drink apple cider vinegar the vinegar will make your urinary tract more acidic which will hurt the bacteria. and then the acetic acid has some antibacterial activities which will kill the bacteria or stop their reproduction.

also when you sit for a little while in a bathtub and put some apple cider vinegar in it, the vinegar will kill the bacteria in your urethra and the areas around it if there is any.

also, the malic acid contributes to the high acidity of the apple cider vinegar which is a good thing for the UTI people.

another application of the acetic acid according to the website is that it’s used to prevent urinary tract infections in people who have a urinary catheter installed in their bladder.

the urinary catheter can bring many bacteria to the bladder so acetic acid is used to prevent any of these bacteria from growing into a urinary tract infection if there were any bacteria in there.

so for people who suffer from UTI alone using apple cider vinegar in the ways we have demonstrated earlier can very much help them.

but if your UTI was caused by a kidney stone then that is a completely different situation and you should not use apple cider vinegar if that is your case. Risks of using apple cider vinegar.

kidney stones grow in the acidic conditions Kidney stones are a major risk factor for UTI. What that means is that for people who have a kidney stone it’s very likely that these kidney stones are gonna cause them a UTI.

So this has made a whole group of people who have a UTI due to the kidney stones they have. For this group of people, I wouldn’t advise them of using apple cider vinegar to aid in the treatment of the UTI.

As a matter of fact, for this group of people who have UTIs caused by kidney stones using apple cider vinegar in any way, shape or form can make things worse for them.

The reason for that as we have explained earlier, kidney stones can grow bigger under acidic conditions. So apple cider vinegar will increase the acidity of the urine and if you have kidney stones that can make them grow bigger or at least maintain their size.

You want your kidney stones to be shredded or decreased in their size so you can get them out with the urine. With the growing in size kidney stones, the UTI will get worse.

Because kidney stones as they move through the urinary tract (from the kidneys to the ureters to the bladder and then to the urethra) they will cause damage to the inside walls of these parts of the urinary tract.

This damage will be manifested as wounds or cuts or irritations to the walls of the urinary tract. Wherever and whenever there is a wound or a place of irritation inside the body or on the skin, the bacteria will attack that place.

So if the kidney stones had caused a lot of wounds to the inner walls of the urinary tract, there will be a large number of bacteria attacking the urinary tract particularly these wounds. And that could lead to a urinary tract infection.

The bigger the kidney stones the more trouble they can cause and one of these troubles is the UTI. Besides kidney stones can sometimes serve as a base for the bacteria.

So the bacteria could be gathering around these kidney stones and this can be another reason why kidney stone can cause UTI. So using apple cider vinegar in people who have UTI due to kidney stones will have totally backfiring results.

Because apple cider vinegar will increase the acidity of the urine and acidic urine can aid in the formation of kidney stones or increasing its size.

Other possible risks

A major risk that can come from the apple cider vinegar is using it as the main treatment of your UTI condition. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a helping factor in the treatment of the UTI, not as the major factor in treating it.

So don’t delay your visit to the doctor because you have used apple cider vinegar especially if you see that the symptoms of your UTI are not going away.

Delaying your visit to the doctor can result in the growth of the uti.

Sometimes it can grow from the bladder to the kidneys and that’s something you don’t want to happen. Symptoms of fever, chills, and nausea can be a sign that your UTI is progressing into a kidney infection.

so at that time, the apple cider vinegar will not be enough and you will need to see a doctor. Apple cider vinegar can decrease the progression of the infection or maybe treat a UTI at its very beginnings or a very weak UTI, But, It’s not a replacement of seeing the doctor.

Other risks of using apple cider vinegar are related to the high acidity of the apple cider vinegar.

Drinking it undiluted can cause side effects ranging from heart burn and damage to the mouth or throat to ulcers and systemic acidosis and damage to the kidneys.

So you should never drink apple cider vinegar undiluted.

Also if you have problems with heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, or anything related then you should probably consider other solutions for dealing with your UTI.

Using it undiluted externally on the skin (any part of the skin) can cause corrosive damage to that part of the body on which it’s applied.

Corrosive damage means that the apple cider vinegar can pierce through any part of the skin (not to mention the genitals) if applied undiluted.

So you should always dilute it enough or more than enough for safety.

Of course, adding it to the bathtub water is generally safe just make sure that there is enough water in the bathtub.


With that we have reached the conclusion of this article.

I hope that you enjoyed it, and got some useful information from it.

So thank you for tuning in and goodbye.

and don’t forget to check out my website KNOW AND TREAT UTI for more details about the UTI.

Ph. Abbas

A pharmacist who decided to write detailed articles about urinary tract infections (UTI).