Is potato good for UTI? (everything you need to know)

This article will be dedicated to whether and how potatoes are good for UTI. You will learn about the main ingredients of potatoes and how they work on UTI. So let’s start.

Are potatoes good for UTI?

Yes, potatoes are good for UTI. Tune in for this article to know why.

What are the components of potatoes and are they good for UTI and why?

Potatoes are an important source of micronutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, and iron, and contribute a significant amount of fiber.

Vitamin C is very good for UTI. It prevents UTI and is one of the strong antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and affect the body to fight various diseases. Vitamin C is recommended for patients suffering from UTI as prevention because it will prevent the onset and worsening of the disease.

Vitamin B6 is recommended for urinary tract infections because it strengthens the immune system, protects the body from infections and various bacteria, and from those that cause UTIs.

Potassium has benefits for UTIs because it prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Scientific research has shown that potassium can increase the amount of urine excreted and expel excess bacteria from the urine Potassium affects blood sugar levels, which can prevent the occurrence of diabetes, which is one of the risk factors for developing UTIs.

Fiber is also good for UTI.

They enable the proper functioning of the digestive system and the work of the colon. They prevent constipation and pressure on the bladder and the accumulation of bacteria in the bowels that have the potential to cause UTIs.

When compared to other starchy foods such as rice, wheat, corn, potatoes have less starch, which, unlike these foods, can have less of an effect on UTI.

The starch content (carbohydrates) in potatoes can be very variable. Generally speaking, fresh potatoes contain 20% dry matter, of which 60-80% is starch, and 70-80% of this starch is amylopectin.

In general, potatoes are not a good source of protein, and the amount of fat in them is less than protein, so there are not many fats and proteins in potatoes.

Fresh potatoes have the most water, which works well on UTI, but it is not recommended to be eaten because of some harmful substances, which are poisonous.

Here we mean a toxic compound called solanine that can cause headache, nausea, diarrhea. in addition, fresh potatoes create digestive problems such as unpleasant cramps, flatulence, bloating.

Potatoes contain several types of phytonutrients such as carotenoids, anthocyanins, and caffeic acid, which are all very good antioxidants. Antioxidants have a good effect on immunity and have an extremely beneficial effect on UTI.

The color of the potato flesh can be an indicator of the content of nutrients, for example, yellow potatoes contain carotenoids and lutein.

Potatoes that have purple and red skin/flesh contain high levels of anthocyanins. If the potatoes are stored at lower temperatures, germ production is additionally inhibited, but the reduction of sugar content occurs, which is very good with UTI.

In a scientific study conducted in Sweden, storage of potatoes for five months led to a 60% decrease in vitamin C and a 20% increase in vitamin B6 content, regardless of the amount of potassium, thiamine, or other vitamins and minerals.

We know that a reduction in vitamin C can cause a minor effect on UTIs and adversely affect UTIs. Therefore, it is recommended not to store potatoes for a long time, but to be used as soon as possible.

Is potato good for UTI in general and why?

In general, potatoes are good for UTI. It contains a lot of good ingredients that have a beneficial effect on UTI.

Vitamin C prevents UTI, then potassium which is highly recommended in UTI because it has numerous benefits. Fibers that are also good for UTI. Potatoes also contain water that hydrates our body and flushes the urinary tract which also has benefits for UTIs.

In addition to all that, potatoes also contain a lot of starch, which could make UTIs worse. It should be eaten in limited quantities and prepared more healthily so as not to further irritate the urinary tract.

If you want to know how to prevent UTIs from the start without you having to worry about them every now and then, read through this article that we have made especially for this.

The best way to consume potatoes for UTI people

The way potatoes are prepared affects the nutrient content; boiling causes the leaching of water-soluble nutrients, while frying can increase the content of resistant starch in boiled potatoes.

If you cook only flesh potatoes (that part when we peel the potatoes) you will have a large amount of water that has a beneficial effect on UTI. Unlike chips which are fried in deep oil and lose a lot of water during this process and have less water compared to boiled potatoes. Chips have more calories of fat and anything that harms the UTI.

Chips also have more sugar than baked or boiled potatoes, so chips are not recommended when cooked.

Consumption of french fries, but not other types of potatoes, is associated with increased BMI (body mass index), which causes obesity and thus worsens UTI. This also happens with fried potatoes. For UTI, it would be best to eat boiled potatoes or baked.

It is interesting to know that the retention of potato peel can provide additional fiber. As much as 50 percent of the phenolic compounds in potatoes are present in the skin and attached meat. Phenolic compounds contain antioxidant properties that are very beneficial for health and strengthening immunity.

The total fiber content of 4.4 g is 15% of 30 g as the daily recommended dose for an adult. However, these figures change during cooking, for example, the vitamin C content would be 50% higher in microwave potatoes, and the iron content would be reduced by over 70%.

Désirée potatoes are potatoes that were originally grown in the Netherlands. It has yellow flesh with the highest glycemic index which can worsen UTI, unlike other species.

African potatoes are mainly used as an immunostimulant. African wild potatoes can lower blood sugar, which could mean that it is good for UTI, but you should be careful with consuming this potato because it can lead to hypoglycemia or very low blood sugar, which can have certain consequences on the health of patients.

How many potatoes should UTI sufferers consume

There are 15 grams of carbohydrates in

· 1/2 cup mashed potatoes

· 1/2 medium baked potato

· 1 ounce of chips (baked or fried)

If UTI patients also suffer from diabetes and take into account how many carbohydrates they can eat per day, they should know that 30 grams of carbohydrates are in 1 cup of mashed potatoes or 1 medium potato. See this reference.

There are some variants of how to reduce the level of sugar, ie the glycemic index of potatoes.

  – When preparing, we should not peel the crust. It contains fiber that can reduce the effect of raising glucose.

– Baking potatoes, instead of cooking or kneading them.

– Adding healthy fats, such as olive oil, to our potatoes.

– Adding something sour, such as e.g. lemon juice, which helps reduce the glycemic index.

– Limit processed potatoes, such as instant mashed potatoes, packaged potatoes, and chips.

When does potato become bad for UTI?

Potatoes become bad for UTI when fried in deep oil and when eaten in the form of french fries and chips. Then the amount of sugar in the potatoes increases, calories and fat increase, which altogether have a bad effect on the UTI.

Potatoes prepared in this way should be avoided by UTI people. It would worsen their urinary tract infections and disrupt the quiet phase of the disease. Whenever possible, they should eat potatoes in a way that is more favorable for UTI, and that is cooked or baked.

Are there any kinds of UTI people that should consume less potato or not consume it at all?

UTI people who are also diabetic should avoid consuming too many potatoes. Since it contains a lot of starch, it could worsen diabetes, and then they have a worsening of UTI.

This can attract bacteria that cause urinary tract infections to accumulate and stick to the walls of the urinary tract and make UTIs worse.

If you want to know more about the kinds of food that you should avoid when having a UTI, please see our article.

Is sweet potato good for UTI?

Sweet potatoes contain significant amounts of nutrients such as carbohydrates, carotenoids, dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Compared to potatoes, sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index.

This is very beneficial for UTI because with these patients, consuming this potato will increase the blood sugar level more slowly and will not attract bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

In addition, it contains fewer calories (which is also beneficial for UTI because it does not lead to obesity, which also harms UTI) and complex carbohydrates, but more vitamin A and fiber than potatoes.

White sweet potatoes are used as a healthy source of carbohydrates. It can effectively reduce insulin resistance and fibrinogen and the level of glucose in the plasma in the morning on an empty stomach.

This study showed that if white sweet potatoes replace other carbohydrates sources in a meal, it leads to a 5% reduction in body weight, body fat, body mass index, and middle arm circumference. This all has a beneficial effect on UTI.

Based on all the above, we can conclude that consuming sweet potatoes is much better in UTI patients. It has many more benefits compared to classic potatoes.

This is especially true for patients with diabetes who suffer from UTI. For them, consuming sweet potatoes could greatly alleviate their ailments and reduce the possibility of recurrent infections and worsening of the disease.

Of course, this type of potato is also recommended for other patients who have problems with UTI. They can eat their favorite vegetables without being afraid that their disease will get worse.


Potatoes are good for UTI.

Take care of the amount that is ingested during the day through meals due to the higher amount of starch.

For UTI patients, the best option is boiled or roasted potatoes. Avoid fried, french fries, or chips.

The best option for UTI people is to eat sweet potatoes, it has much less sugar, ie a lower glycemic index compared to the classic one, and the content of other nutrients is the same and they are very useful for UTI.

Ph. Abbas

A pharmacist who decided to write detailed articles about urinary tract infections (UTI).

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