13 best UTI home remedies without antibiotics

Sometimes UTI doesn’t need the use of antibiotics or other drugs to treat it. it may just require some lifestyle changes and some simple home remedies that you can use at home to treat the UTI.

but, in most cases, if you have a UTI you will need to consult a doctor to see what’s best for you, the doctor may decide to give you some antibiotics and other drugs or so.

so the best home remedies for uti are:

1_ lemon or orange juice

2_ drink a lot of water

3_ stay away from the hot temperature environments

4_ go to the bathroom more often

5_ take more probiotics

6_ try cranberry juice

7_ pee right after sex

8_ D-Mannose

9_ reduce your intake of the fortified sugar or the artificial sugar

10_ vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

11_ vitamin A

12_ lift up your spirit

13_ apple cider vinegar or some other vinegar

in any case whether if you do not need antibiotics and drugs or whether you need them, you will need to use those home remedies along with the other treatments that the doctor has given you or alone.

to speed up the recovery process and also to decrease the probability of the UTI coming back to you or to treat the UTI alone if the UTI was not very strong.

the home remedies that we will talk about might include some lifestyle changes and also might include some foods or drinks that we will advise you to eat or drink and some other stuff like that.

so here are the best home remedies that you can use to treat the UTI, in more details about each one of them:

1_ lemon or orange juice:

these two juices are very acidic so it’s better if you drink them after or with food not on an empty stomach, it’s better if you make them without adding sugar or add a few amounts of sugar if you must.

that is to benefit from these two juices completely because sugar is not good for the UTI. now the bacteria that cause the UTI needs a basic medium (in this case the medium is the urine) so the bacteria need the urine to be basic to grow and replicate.

so drinking acidic juices like lemon juice and orange juice will make the urine more acidic which in turn will make harder for the bacteria to grow and replicate in this kind of medium.

ps: if your UTI was caused by kidney stones then this home remedy will not be good for you because in the case of kidney stones the urine will be already acidic.

so it’s better to treat the kidney stones first before you head to the treatment of UTI.

also, these juices contain a lot of vitamin C which is very beneficial to the uti.

2_ drink a lot of water:

we talked about this in a previous article but I will add up here that drinking a lot of water can make you get rid of the UTI even without the use of other antibiotics (that is if the UTI were in an early stage).

3_ stay away from the hot temperature environments:

being in a hot environment can have multiple bad consequences on your urinary tract. if it’s hot outside then you should stay indoors or if your place at work was not so cool then you should try to change the situation.

because being exposed to hot temperatures for a lot of time can make your body dehydrated.

being dehydrated This will first expose you to the risk of kidney stones formation which in turn can aggravate or even lead to UTI.

second, if the urinary tract was somewhat low on water this will make it easier for the bacteria to stick into the walls of the urinary tract and then the UTI will grow.

4_ go to the bathroom more often:

if you think you have a UTI then when you feel the urge to urinate don’t hold it.

go to the bathroom even if you feel the slightest urge to urinate or make a schedule to go to the bathroom every 2 hours or so.

drinking a lot of water will make it easier for you because it will make you urinate more and that’s a good thing for people with UTI.

holding the urine will make it easier for the bacteria to accumulate in the bladder which will make things worse.

5_ take more probiotics:

whether it’s from supplements or from foods like cheese and yogurt, taking probiotics will make the recovery process from UTI faster.

probiotics are useful bacteria, naturally, our bodies contain various types of probiotic bacteria especially in the colon area in the large intestines.

if some of these bacteria get killed or if the number of these bacteria decreases then bad bacteria can invade the colon and replace the good killed bacteria.

and from there the bad bacteria can travel through the anus to the urethra to cause a UTI. so it’s important to keep your colon containing a good level of the probiotics (the good bacteria) to remain healthy and keep your urinary tract away from danger.

there are different kinds of cheeses and yogurt products that differ in the types and the amounts of probiotics that are in it and it’s ok to take the one that tastes better for you.

but I only recommend using this advice only if the UTI is at it’s beginning but if it has become a strong infection then I do not recommend taking any of the foods or supplements that contain probiotics.

you can find the reason why in the milk and dairy products article.

here is a good probiotic supplement to treat UTI it is a combination of many types of probiotic bacteria that are used to prevent or treat UTI.

it contains the probiotics that are actually the best suited for treating or preventing the UTI condition.

if you want to know more about the probiotics used for UTI treatment head over to this article.

6_ try cranberry juice:

well, I’m sure that you heard about this remedy before only I will add to what the other sites say by giving you a study made by the NCBI website.

the study suggests that cranberry juice or cranberry products have the ability to prevent the adhesion of the bacteria to the inner wall of the bladder or the urinary tract in general.

this ability of cranberry juice to prevent the adhesion of the bacteria to the urinary tract comes from the cranberry having 2 compounds the first is fructose and the second is called “PAC”.

those two compounds according to the study compete with the bacteria over the areas of adhesion to the urinary tract and can stick to the bladder or urinary tract instead of the bacteria which will be flushed out with the urine.

warning: cranberry juice and cranberry products have been found to have interactions with some drugs like warfarin and other drugs so if you are taking any medication be sure to consult your doctor or a pharmacist before taking it.

there are many cranberry supplements available on the market nowadays some of them good and some of them bad.

my choice would be the AZO cranberry supplements it’s number one in the Amazon bestsellers for cranberry supplements plus the AZO company is specialized in making products for the urinary tract health.

7_ pee right after sex:

this advice applies especially for men, women also need to urinate after having sex because during sex both partners are prone to various bacteria attacks.

whether it’s from the environment like from the bedsheets and so or from the other partner which might carry with him or her some bacteria that can be transmitted to his or her partner.

so if the bacteria enter the urethra you will still have time so if you pee as soon as possible the bacteria will be flushed out of your body with urine before it can climb up the urethra and reach the bladder and cause a UTI.

make sure to pee right after sex or masturbation or any form of sexual pleasure.

Ps: the urethra is the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body in men it passes through the penis and carries both urine and semen while in women it passes through the vagina and carries only the urine.

8_ D-Mannose:

D-Mannose is a type of sugar that has been found to have some benefits to the UTI.

it basically works by preventing the adhesion of the bacteria to the interior walls of the urinary tract in a mechanism similar to the fructose sugar that is found in the cranberry.

in a recent study, D-Mannose showed promising results.

it was given to a number of people who had recurrent UTI meaning that there UTI was coming back again for a number of times after they treat it.

D-Mannose was given to them and the results showed a significant improvement in the conditions of these people meaning that the UTI didn’t come back to them as easily as without using the D-Mannose.

D-Mannose shows great results when it comes to treating people who had UTI for the first time. also, D-Mannose can be used in the prevention of UTI.

9_ reduce your intake of the fortified sugar or the artificial sugar:

as we saw previously some natural sugars that are found in natural sources like the fructose sugar in the cranberry fruit can help in treating the UTI and the D-Mannose sugar is also a natural sugar.

but, the fortified or artificial sugar isn’t that useful as those natural sugars, on the contrary, it is dangerous and not healthy at all.

fortified sugar can have a negative impact on your immune system meaning that it can make the immune system weaker in fighting the foreign bacteria that enter your body including the UTI bacteria.

that’s why people with diabetes have a weaker immune system because they have a higher than normal concentration of sugar in their blood.

10_ vitamin C (ascorbic acid):

in any shape or form, vitamin C is a good way for you to get rid of the uti.

if it’s a vitamin C supplement or an orange or lemon juice or any type of food that contains a high amount of vitamin C, vitamin C is a crucial remedy for treating the UTI.

now there are many studies that suggest that vitamin C have a positive effect on the immune system and that it can boost the immunity making it more powerful in fighting the bacterial infections or other infections that might be waiting for a chance to enter inside the body when the immune system gets weak.

but the evidence on these results is somewhat weak but scientists are still considering it a subject under discussion.

on the other hand, vitamin C is an acidic compound that can by its acidity alone kill the bacteria that cause the UTI or at least prevent their growth.

because bacteria need basically an alkaline medium to grow.

so when vitamin C makes the urine acidic or increases the acidity of the urine it will be harder for the bacteria to replicate and spread the infection.

the best choice for vitamin C supplements would be Airborne Zesty Orange Effervescent Tablets, it contains a high dose of vitamin C (1000mg per tablet).

dissolve the tablet in water and drink after meal once a day
no need to finish the whole packet (packet contains 30 tabs), it also contains some amounts of vitamins A and E and some elements like zinc and manganese which are good for supporting the immune system.

11_ vitamin A:

vitamin A supports the immune system in two ways:

first: it increase the number of certain types of immune cells called the (T cells), this will make the immune system stronger in fighting the bacteria that cause the UTI or other infections.

second: it will prevent those (T cells) from attacking the body’s own organs and systems. in other words, the focus of those (T cells) will be driven only on the foreign harmful bacteria or other organisms that might enter the body, rather than the body’s own organs.

in this way, vitamin A will increase the chance of getting rid of the UTI.

vitamin A is found in many foods with the cod liver oil is the one that is the most abundant in vitamin A, the liver in the turkey and in the cows and the pork liver are also highly abundant in vitamin A.

sweet potato and carrot are also one of the most abundant sources of vitamin A in the world.

vitamin A is also found in butter, spinach, pumpkin, eggs, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, milk, and mango.

watermelon also contains a good amount of vitamin A while those foods contain high amounts of vitamin A, between them I highly recommend that you take carrots, sweet potato, tomatoes, mango, and watermelon as your vitamin A source.

because the other ones may contain other compounds that are not very much good for the UTI. vitamin A supplements are also a very good choice if you don’t want to bother with eating all that food.

now supplements vitamin 250 softgels 10000 IU per softgel can be a very good choice if you don’t want to eat all that turkey, cow and, pork liver. check it on amazon.

if you have any underlying condition or taking other medications or supplements consult your doctor before use.

12_ lift up your spirit:

try exercising or involve in activities that can improve your mood and get you out of the worrying state on the UTI.

because the more you are stressed out the more your body will release compounds like cortisol which is basically a steroid.

this steroid if the body continues on releasing it in the long run, the immune system will be affected negatively.

because one of the Physiological functions of steroids is to decrease the immune response (that’s why steroids are given to people with autoimmune diseases).

steroids will impair the immune system’s ability to kill the bacteria including the UTI bacteria and that is something you don’t want to happen. on the other hand, if you remain calm and positive you will notice your body has got rid of the bacteria before you even realize it.

so keep a happy mood and an uplifted spirit in the face of the UTI.

13_ apple cider vinegar or some other vinegar:

vinegars especially apple cider vinegar are one of the greatest home remedies to get rid of the UTI.

why is apple cider vinegar good for the UTI?

Well because it’s highly acidic, the acidity that apple cider vinegar contains makes living in hell is better for the bacteria than living in your urinary tract.

acidity kills the bacteria that’s why this vinegar and other types of vinegar are used widely for medicinal purposes especially for treating bacterial infections.

Because of its acidity apple cider vinegar or vinegar, in general, cannot be taken on their own or undiluted at least.

so try mixing them with your salad or if you have no food to mix them with just try to dilute them with water. for more information on this subject please visit the apple cider vinegar for UTI article.


in the end, those were the best ever home remedies that you can find on the internet for treating the UTI. they are based on my opinion because I’m a pharmacist so I have the scientific angle to look on this subject if I may say soo.

and I have also researched this topic and other related topics quite extensively. so I hope that these home remedies were helpful for you, thank you and keep healthy.

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