Bladder infection symptoms

bladder infection is simply a type of urinary tract infection. it’s one of the most common types of UTI.

usually, a bladder infection is just referred to as UTI because it’s the most common type of UTI. so according to that, the symptoms of bladder infection is usually referred to as the symptoms of UTI.

but that can be sometimes mistaken or misleading because the UTI has many types. because of this, some people may confuse the symptoms of bladder infection with the symptoms of the other types of UTI.

so we in this article will try to lay down for you the symptoms of bladder infection.

which in a list they are:

1) burning sensation during urination

2) cloudy urine or bloody urine

3) both urinary frequency and urinary urgency

4) foul-smelling urine

5) pain or discomfort or a pressure sensation in the lower back or the lower abdominal area (pelvic area)

also, we will tell you about some symptoms of the other types of UTI that might accompany the bladder infection and try to clear out the confusion between them.

in most of the cases, bladder infection do not occur alone.

because in most of the cases the bacteria will enter the urinary tract through the urethra. the urethra is the last part of the urinary tract which carries the urine out of the urinary tract through the process of urination.

the bacteria first will enter the urethra then they will climb it to reach the bladder.

so by the time you will have a bladder infection you already had a urethra infection (sometimes it’s called urethritis). so the symptoms you will notice will not be just the symptoms of a bladder infection but also the symptoms of a urethra infection as well.

in other cases, the bacteria will climb up the bladder reaching the kidneys and causing a kidney infection so the patients will have both the symptoms of a bladder infection and a kidney infection.

in general, the UTI have two major types which are:

the lower urinary tract infection which has 2 types:

the urethra infection and the bladder infection.

the upper urinary tract infection which has 2 types:

the kidney infection and the ureters infection.

patients may have one of these types of UTI at a certain time or may have two or more of these types of UTI at the same time.

it’s not common to have just a bladder infection however there are sometimes where someone is having just a bladder infection or he or she may be having other types of UTI along with the bladder infection but they are too weak to be noticed.

so the symptoms of bladder infection alone without the presence of the other types of UTI are:

symptoms of bladder infection

1) burning sensation during urination:

this is one of the most common symptoms of bladder infections and of urinary tract infections in general.

usually, this symptom is caused by the passing of the bacteria with the urine.

the bacteria that cause the UTI usually have some kind of hooks or hinges or claws that they use to stick to the walls of the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract.

when urinating, some of these bacteria will be passed with the urine. the hinges on these bacteria that is coming from the bladder will scratch the walls of the urethra causing the burning sensation.

also, the bacteria that are already present in the urethra are sticking out to the walls of the urethra by there claws.

so when the urine flow comes in, it will remove some of these bacteria from walls of the urethra, but the removal process will be painful because of these claws or hinges and that what will cause you the burning sensation that you will feel during urination if you have a bladder infection.

but there will come a question, which is:

if the burning sensation was caused by the bacteria that are in the urethra then that is a symptom of urethra infection not a bladder infection.

the answer to it is:

well first a portion of the pain can be due to the bacteria that is coming from the bladder and irritating the urethra walls. so that portion of the pain was due to the bladder infection.

the other portion of the pain which I think it’s the greater portion of the pain was due to the removal of the bacteria that is sticking out to the inside walls of the urethra.

this removal process as we have said earlier will be painful because of the hinges or claws that the bacteria have.

so some will consider this symptom of burning sensation during urination was due to the urethra infection, and that is true.


because in most of the time urethra infections won’t occur unless they will eventually cause a bladder infection, meaning that in most of the time you won’t have a bladder infection without having some sort of a urethra infection.

because of that, this symptom is considered a part of the bladder infection symptoms.

but what if you have only and only a bladder infection will this painful urination happen in that case?

the answer is most likely no, if you have only a bladder infection and you don’t have a urethra infection then you most likely will not experience this symptom. but again that is an event that occurs rarely.

ps: not every urethra infection is gonna lead to a bladder infection but here we are only saying that if it’s a known fact that you have a bladder infection then it’s most likely that you are also having bacteria in your urethra.

some bacterial infections just stay in the urethra without climbing to the bladder but that is a totally different subject.

so returning to our subject this burning sensation during urination can be a sign that you have a bladder infection and also can be a sign that you have a kidney infection specially if you have other symptoms like fever, chills and vomiting.

but if you do not have these symptoms then it’s most likely gonna mean that you have a urethra infection that has most likely caused a bladder infection.

professionals sometimes will refer to the burning sensation as (Dysuria)

drinking a lot of water during the day can somewhat ease out the pain for you especially if the bladder infection is at it’s beginning.

if you have painful urination that does not mean that you have a bladder infection but there is a strong possibility that you do.

there is a drug that’s specially made to ease this kind of symptom it’s called AZO Urinary Pain Relief (scientific name: phenazopyridine)

it’s designed to give you quick and temporary relief of the burning sensation and other bladder infection symptoms but it will not treat your UTI so you will still need to see a doctor.

take 2 tablets of phenazopyridine 3 times a day after meal or as needed

2) cloudy urine or bloody urine:

normally the urine color is pale yellow or light yellow however, an infection like the bladder infection can cause the urine to be cloudy.

the bacteria that caused the bladder infection as we said earlier can scratch and wound the inner walls of the urinary tract with their claws causing some blood cells to be released out of these wounds.

when these blood cell are released into the urine they will change the appearance of the urine.

in most of the cases they will not be in high amount that they will change the urine color into red but these blood cells will make the urine turbid or cloudy in appearance.

in some of the severe cases were the bladder infection is very strong, the amount of red blood cells that will be released from these wounds will be high enough that it will change the color of the urine into red.

this will most likely happen if the bladder infection was in an advanced stage were the bladder infection has been left untreated. as these severe bladder infections will be most likely accompanied by a kidney infection and kidney infections can also produce bloody urine.

in fact, people who have bloody urine it’s most likely that they have a kidney infection along with the bladder infection that initially caused it.

if you see that your urine is red in color go to the doctor or hospital immediately.

and if you think you have a bladder infection do not try to delay the treatment and go to the doctor as soon as possible. cloudy urine doesn’t always mean that you have a bladder infection although, bladder infections are the most likely cause for it.

according to MedicineNet passing protein or crystalline materials with your urine because of certain conditions can also cause cloudy urine. also, a urethra infection can also cause a cloudy or turbid urine.

keep in mind that the same things that can cause a cloudy urine can also cause bloody urine if they are left untreated.

3) both urinary frequency and urinary urgency:

urinary frequency is going to the toilet and urinating more than usual. while urinary urgency is the need to go to the toilet and urinating more than usual, it’s the urge for urinating not the actual process of urination.

so with that said, in the case of someone who has bladder infection this person is gonna experience this symptom big time.

like it’s one of the most characteristic symptoms of the bladder infection.

if you have experienced these symptoms of frequency and urgency then it’s most likely due to a bladder infection.

it may not be a bladder infection alone, like it could be accompanied by a urethra infection or so but the one thing that is almost certain is that you have a bladder infection.

people with bladder infection may have a frequent urination meaning that they go to the bathroom more than usual but they maybe passing low amounts of urine each time they urinate.

frequency of urination can sometimes affect people sleep because the urge for urination can come at night for more than one time causing disturbance in their sleep.

this condition is called Nocturia, which is very common in people who suffer from bladder infection.

if the patient is a woman or a child and he or she has this symptoms of frequent urination then it’s most likely due to a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection in general.

but if the patient is an elderly male and he has this frequent urination or increased urgency or both the it’s most likely due to prostate enlargement.

but keep in mind that prostate enlargement can cause a bladder infection which causes frequent urination so you get the point.

prostate enlargement can also cause inflammation to the bladder wall (cystitis) which also causes the frequent urination.

for more information on this subject please visit the cystitis article.

the reason behind why bladder infections cause frequent urination or urgency is that the bacteria when they enter the bladder the bladder will not just stand there without doing nothing, no, the bladder will try to defend it self against these bacteria.

so the bladder will initiate an inflammatory reaction in response to the invading bacteria.

this inflammatory response involves increasing the numbers of white blood cells in the bladder and also increasing the amount of substances called immune mediators and so.

so this inflammation is an immune reaction towards the bacteria, it’s originally designed to defend the bladder against the invading bacteria. but this immune reaction may have some side effects on the bladder and these symptoms of frequent urination and urgency are two of these side effects.

so it’s not that the invading bacteria are causing these symptoms but the bladder own reaction towards these bacteria are what causing the frequency and urgency with urination.

of course, that does not mean that the immune response is bad because without something defending the bladder, the infection will spread fast and kill the patient. ‘

so to get rid of this frequency and urgency you will have to kill the bacteria that has invaded your bladder or urinary tract in general and then you will be okay.

image by bruce blaus

4) foul-smelling urine:

this symptoms is caused by the bacteria in your urine. the presence of bacteria in the urine can change its odor and make the urine have a strong odor.

the more bacteria you have in your bladder or other parts of the urinary tract the stronger the odor will be. but that does not mean that if your urine didn’t have that strong odor that you don’t have a bladder infection or a UTI in general.

sometimes there could be a lot of bacteria in the bladder of a person who has a bladder infection but these bacteria just didn’t produce that strong foul-smelling odor.

so if you have a weakly foul-smelling urine and you notice that you have the other symptoms of bladder infection then that confirms that you have a bladder infection. or at least that should make you seek medical attention.

a urinary tract infection (UTI) happening at any part of the urinary tract can produce this foul-smelling urine. but the bladder infection is the that is most likely gonna produce this symptom.

so if you have a foul-smelling urine it’s most likely that you have a bladder infection.

but not every smelly urine means that you have a bladder infection. according to MedicineNet an ammonia smelling urine can be produced due to dehydration.

dehydration can make the urine more concentrated which produces that ammonia odor. also, certain foods if you eat them, they will make your urine smell odd, an example of that is asparagus.

rarely diabetes disease can make the urine have a strange sweet odor.

when you have a foul-smelling urine it’s most likely to be a bladder infection as we have explained earlier, but this bladder infection can be accompanied by a urethra infection or a kidney infection if the UTI was severe.

5) pain or discomfort or a pressure sensation in the lower back or the lower abdominal area (pelvic area):

this pain can be a result of the battle that’s going on between your immune system and the bacteria that has invaded your bladder. this pain can be confused with a lot of other conditions.

if what you have is a UTI or a bladder infection to be precise then this pain will not be too much severe and will not be so much intense.

while if it was too much intense and you don’t notice the other symptoms of UTI like you don’t have burning sensation with urination and you don’t have frequency or urgency with urination then it might be caused by another condition.

kidney stones are among the conditions that can cause lower back pain. however,

in the case of kidney stones, the pain will be much more intense than that of a bladder infection.

if this pain felt like a pressure sensation in the bladder area then it’s most likely gonna be a bladder infection.

a urethra infection cannot cause this pain however a urethra infection can accompany the bladder infection.

with the bladder infection, the pain will not be too much intense but if your infection is beginning to develop meaning that the bacteria is beginning to climb the bladder and heading towards the kidney, which is what happens in the case if you left your bladder infection untreated.

if that scenario happens then you will feel the pain radiating upwards meaning that you will feel it also in the upper back area or in the flank area in addition to the original position of the pain in the lower back area.

basically you will feel pain in the area where your kidneys are. also, you may feel symptoms like fever, chills, shivering, nausea, and vomiting if you have a kidney infection.

if that happens then contact a doctor as soon as possible.

for more information on this subject please visit the kidney infection symptoms article.

also in the case of your bladder infection progressing towards the kidneys you will feel that the pain is increasing in its intensity gradually or maybe even suddenly.

women can experience lower abdominal pain (pelvic pain) due to their menstrual cycles.

so if you are a woman and you are experiencing this type of pain but you are not suffering from the other symptoms of bladder infection then it’s unlikely that this pain is caused by a bladder infection or a UTI.

the pain that comes as a result of a bladder infection feels most of the time like cramping or a pressure sensation around the pelvic area.

the pain that results from a kidney infection is similar but it differs in its position because it’s coming slightly above the bladder infection pain area.

bladder infections cannot produce bloating anywhere in the abdominal area so if you are bloating around that area it’s probably due to something else.

also, this pain comes as a result of a too much inflamed bladder (because of the bacteria of course).

when the bladder becomes inflamed and there are too many immune cells in it also, this will be somewhat damaging to the wall of the bladder which will cause this pain.

the only type of UTI that is capable of producing a lower back or abdominal pain is the bladder infection.

a urethra infection cannot produce a lower back or abdominal pain because of the position of the urethra.

the urethra infection is responsible for the burning sensation with urination mostly although a bladder infection can also produce that pain.

the urethra is located under the bladder and it’s the last part of the urinary tract.

also, kidney infections cannot produce a lower back pain also because of their position. placing a hot water bag on the lower abdominal area or between the thighs can ease some of that pain.

do not use too much hot water or sleep keeping it on your lower abdomen because it may burn your skin.

here you can order a good hot water bag from amazon. check out its suitable price.


We have talked in this article about the symptoms of bladder infections and we have explained the difference between them and between the symptoms produced by the other types of uti.

And we have said that there are some symptoms of the bladder infection that can be confused with symptoms produced by other conditions other than the UTI.

Also, the symptoms of bladder infection can be confused with the other symptoms of the other types of UTI.

So you could confuse that you have a bladder infection because you felt a burning sensation with your urination but that is not the case because the urethra infection can produce such pain.

although a bladder infection can also produce this type of pain sometimes.

but because they come at the same time approximately you will confuse the symptoms of urethra infection with the bladder infection. but that’s okay.

more dangerously some people may confuse the symptoms of kidney infections with the symptoms of bladder infection.

also, they could happen at the same time meaning that you can have both the symptoms of bladder infection and kidney infection at the same time.

so some people may have some symptoms of a kidney infection going on and they think that it’s just a mild bladder infection or UTI.

this can be dangerous because they will delay there visit to the doctor which will give the chance to the infection to develop even more.

sometimes you could have a urethra infection that is going to cause a bladder infection if you don’t do something fast.

so by knowing the difference between them you could know that you have just a simple urethra infection that can be treated at home by drinking a lot of water and using some home remedies. which you can check in the home remedies article.

also, there are some tips for easing the UTI pain very fast in the how to get rid of UTI fast article.

on the other side you could know by noticing your symptoms that you have both urethra and bladder infection.

this time you know that they could lead to a kidney infection which is not a good thing so you will use some home remedies while you can get your hand as fast as possible on a doctor.

so knowledge is power the better you know about your symptoms the better you are going to act accordingly on them and the less you are going to do mistakes.

at the end I wish health and well being for you all. so thank very much you and goodbye.

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