can alkaline water cure UTI?

Alkaline water will not cure UTI because if you have a UTI then your urine would be already alkaline so no need for you to make it more alkaline by drinking alkaline water.


tap water is not bad for the uti, tap water is sometimes acidic and sometimes alkaline, but in both cases, it will not be too much acidic nor too much alkaline to cause you a uti (its ph is in the normal range) so no need for you to worry, unless if your government supplies you with really bad tap water.

I have had urinary tract infections so many times in my life and I have made laboratory tests at least three times till now because of the UTI, one of these tests was urine general examination or urinalysis test, in this test you get to see if you have bacteria in your urine and the ph of your urine (the ph determines whether your urine is acidic or basic (alkaline)).


in the last time, I did a urinalysis test the results were that I have bacteria in my urine so, in other words, I had a UTI and the ph of my urine was acidic, and also when I did the test earlier when the infection first started (when it was stronger) also the result was that my urine was acidic.

that is because generally, the urine is acidic in nature, this result indicates that I had a mild urinary tract infection because if the infection was strong the urine ph would be basic (ph is a number that indicates if something is acidic or basic, so if the urine ph was less than 7 then it is acidic if it was more than 7 then it is basic in my case it was slightly below seven because the infection was mild)

note: urinary tract infection makes the urine more basic so in most cases where people have a UTI they have a urine ph near 8 which means that their urine is basic (alkaline) because as we said ph number above 7 is basic.

urinalysis is the test where you have to pee in a cup and give to the lab to examine it to see if there are any bacteria and other things in the urine and also measure the ph of the urine and other stuff.

so, when you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) your urine is mostly basic, why is it basic and not acidic? because the bacteria need a basic medium to grow in it, in other words, acidity kills the bacteria if the urine is acidic the bacteria cannot grow comfortably so the basic medium aids the bacteria in growing and in increasing its numbers.

I don’t know if the bacteria is causing the urine to be basic in the first place or the basic urine is providing an attractive environment for the bacteria to grow in it so, I don’t know which one of them comes first but maybe they are interconnected like the bacteria is causing the urine to be basic and the basic urine is attracting more and more bacteria.

note: alkaline water means basic water which is a type of water that its ph number is more than 7 some times kidney stones and salts may cause a UTI to occur and this is another case that we shall discuss later. but if your UTI was not caused by a kidney stone or salts like uric acid salts then drinking alkaline water will not help you get rid of your UTI.

if the UTI was caused by the invasion of the bacteria to some part of the urinary tract (the kidneys, the ureter, the bladder or the urethra) then the alkaline water will not be good for the UTI because as we discussed earlier the urine is already alkaline because of UTI so what’s the point of making the urine more alkaline in this way you are only gonna make the infection worse.

so, this is a bad idea if you have a kidney stone or salts like calcium oxalate salts, uric acid salts, and others, these stones or salts might serve as a medium that the bacteria can gather around it and aggregate on it and by this way in addition of having a kidney stone or salts the person who suffers from them will have additionally a urinary tract infection (UTI).

these stones and salts form basically under acidic environments so if the urine is acidic this will increase the chance of stone and salt formation.
Dr. Berg also agrees with me on this matter, see what he has to say

contrary to alkaline water, lemon water can be very therapeutic to UTI especially if it’s organic.

it contains vitamin C which can strengthen your immune system against the UTI and also it will restore your urine Ph to its normal range.

organic lemon water, check out its price.

how do you know if your urine is acidic?

well, you must observe the color of your urine if it’s dark yellow or somewhat near the dark yellow then it means that the urine is acidic, also it means that you need to drink more water because the yellow to dark yellow color of the urine means 2 things: 1. the urine is acidic 2. you are somewhat dehydrated so you need to drink more water these two conditions make the best conditions for the formation of kidney stones and salts.

so, by just simply drinking normal water, it will hydrate the urine and will make the color of the urine transparent to pale yellow (which is the optimal color for the urine) and also will decrease the acidity of the urine.

so, unless if you made urinalysis test and the result showed that your urine was very acidic then you will need to drink alkaline water otherwise you will be O.K. with regular water but in this case, alkaline water is not a bad idea.

by giving the person who suffers from more than normal acidic urine by giving him alkaline water (basic water) or a urine alkalinizing agent ( the alkaline water eventually makes the urine alkaline in other words basic, so does the alkalinizing agent) you will make the urine return back to its normal ph also you will increase his hydration and thereby you will decrease the probability of him getting a kidney stone or salts and also a UTI.

how do you know if your urine is alkaline or basic?

if you notice that the color of your urine is somewhat bluish-green or greenish-blue or something like that then your urine is alkaline or basic.

the normal ph of the urine ranges from 5.5 to 7.5, normally the urine is acidic and there is no problem with that, the problem is when the urine becomes too much acidic and that what we advise you to be cautious from.

but, having a urine ph like 6.5 or 6 is nothing that you need to worry about, of course, the urine is still acidic at that ph but it’s within the normal range for every human being.

the urine ph which ranges from 5.5 to 7 is optimal, why is that?

it’s because at that ph the urine is acidic and the acidic urine inhibits the bacteria from growing in it (acidity kills the bacteria). also, it’s not too acidic that it becomes a good medium for the formation of kidney stones or salts.

but, when having a urine ph number like 5.5 or when you the color of your urine is turning to between yellow and dark yellow, then you should start to take precautionary measures like drinking more water or even drinking alkaline water to get the ph back to normal.

if the urine is too much alkaline that will also cause problems like UTI besides it will lead to the formation of another type of stones and other problems.

some people say: that tap water is acidic so you must not drink it because it will worsen the UTI. well, I strongly disagree, because the ph of the tap water is almost the same as the normal ph of the urine so drinking tap water will not change the ph of the urine, in other words, it will not make the urine more acidic or more basic so it will not make you more susceptible to the UTI.

tap water ph ranges from 6 to 8.5 and that ph is completely normal.

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