Eggs and UTI

the first thing you notice when you eat eggs is that it’s very fatty, you will be eating a lot of fats and cholesterol when you eat eggs in any shape or form whether it’s boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, omelet or any other kinds of eggs, eggs are one of the fattiest meals you can eat.

in addition to its high fatty content eggs are highly rich in cholesterol and protein and vitamins and minerals, mostly the egg yolk contains most of the nutritional value of the eggs because it contains all of the fats and cholesterol and most of the vitamins and minerals (except for the potassium and sodium which are found in higher concentration in the egg white) also egg yolk contains more protein than egg white.

so to answer the question of whether eggs are good or bad for the UTI we must know if fats and cholesterol and protein which are the major constituents of eggs good or bad for the UTI.

but before we begin diving into our subject I just want to take the chance to remind people that many of the UTI incidents are caused by having a weak immune system among other things (of course) but this is one of the most important.

we cannot correct a weak immune system by just eating healthy because simply our food does not contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for strengthening our immune system.

so we will need to take these vitamins and minerals in a more concentrated way, we can achieve this by taking multivitamin tablets like centrum which is basically one of the best and most complete options for multivitamins available on the market.

take centrum once a day with food.

check out centrum price on amazon off course if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking other medications or supplements consult your doctor before use.

also, take centrum silver men or centrum silver women instead if you are above 50 years old.

now back to our subject

eggs are high on cholesterol

the amount of cholesterol that is found in the egg is very high, one egg contains about 60% of the total amount of cholesterol that you need to eat in a day, although there is no significant relationship between cholesterol and the UTI, still consuming high amounts of cholesterol is responsible for causing many heart disease.

it’s worth mentioning that cholesterol is not a fat but high amounts of cholesterol are associated with increasing the body’s ability to store fat so, in other words, high cholesterol means a fat person.

now are fats good or bad for the UTI or do they have any association whatsoever with the UTI?

well yes, there is a relationship between fats and the UTI although it’s not a direct relationship but fats help in digesting and absorbing and transporting the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and most importantly vitamin A which is a very good vitamin for those who are suffering from the UTI.

vitamin A plays a major role in our immune system.

when we eat foods that contain vitamin A we need fats to absorb that vitamin from our stomach and into the bloodstream and when vitamin A enters the bloodstream it needs fat to transport it to the areas where this vitamin function.

so, vitamin A is absorbed and transported via the fats in our body, so it needs fats to function at it’s best and what’s the function of this vitamin that is so important to the person who suffers from UTI?

well, it plays a role in increasing the strength of the immune system and in making our immune cells like neutrophils, lymphocytes and others fight the bacteria that cause the UTI (like E. coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella, etc…) more efficiently and more powerfully to help the body get rid of that bacteria as soon as possible before the UTI can develop into something more dangerous.

more information about this subject is in the watermelon article. another vitamin that fats help in absorbing and transporting it in the body is vitamin D, just like vitamin A, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it needs fat to be absorbed from the stomach and to be transported in our bodies.

so fats are very important for vitamin D to complete its job in our bodies.

now, what is the job of vitamin D in the human body?

some reports have shown that vitamin D plays a role in the prevention of many infectious diseases because just like vitamin A vitamin D helps in supporting the immune system.

although the reports didn’t show that vitamin D plays a role in preventing an infectious disease like the UTI but its role in supporting the immune system, in general, might be good for those who suffer from the UTI.

although eggs contain a lot of vitamin D and vitamin A and also contain a lot of fats that help in digesting and transporting those vitamins in the body, that doesn’t mean that you should eat eggs like crazy because high levels of fats especially the saturated fats which are found in high concentration in the eggs are responsible for many heart diseases and other diseases as we know.

besides your body might even contain more than enough fats to absorb and transport the vitamin A and the vitamin D that enters your body so by eating an egg you might increase your chance of having other diseases while not benefiting from it too much because you already have enough fats to absorb and transport the vitamin A and vitamin D.

ps: eggs are rich in vitamin D and vitamin A besides the amount of fats that are in it.

the other fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin K and vitamin E are good to us in general but have no direct relationship to the UTI.

eggs also contain a high amount of protein, both egg white, and egg yolk are rich in protein. eating foods rich in protein like eggs is not a bad thing for the UTI, that is if you have a UTI alone but in many cases, UTI comes accompanied by other conditions like kidney stones or some other kidney disease, in that case, it’s best to avoid eating foods that contain a lot of protein.

if you have a kidney stone along with the UTI, protein can cause you problems because protein helps in the formation of kidney stones especially uric acid kidney stones.

kidney stones, in turn, can aggravate the uti.

because as these stones move in the parts of the urinary tract like the kidney or the ureter or the bladder they can cause damage and irritation and scratch or wound inside the walls of the urinary tract.

what do these scratches and wound cause?

in addition to the pain that it causes, these scratches and wounds inside the urinary tract can attract bacteria thus aggravating the UTI and causing many other problems.

so, if your UTI is not accompanied by other conditions then you are ok to eat protein but if you have a kidney stone or even if you have a high concentration of salts in your urinary tract (like calcium oxalate and uric acid salts) that didn’t develop to be a kidney stone yet, I don’t recommend that you eat protein-rich foods like eggs because they will increase your susceptibility having kidney stones and thereby worsen the UTI.

eggs are also rich in B vitamins like vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

all of these vitamins are healthy vitamins for the human beings in an overall sense, most of them are used by the body to produce energy so they have no direct relationship to the UTI but some of them like vitamin b6 have a supporting role for the immune system which is a good thing for the UTI other than that they have no great significance for the UTI.

other minerals like potassium, sodium, and zinc are also found in the eggs, no significant relationship between those minerals and the UTI has been found although high sodium intake is believed to be one of the causes of kidney stone formation which as we said may lead to or aggravate the UTI.

in conclusion, if the UTI is the only thing that you complain from if you do not have other problems running alongside with it like you do not have kidney stones and you are not prone to them and if you also don’t have heart disease or artery disease and you are not fat then it’s O.K. to eat eggs but keep in mind that you have eaten a lot of cholesterol and fats and protein for that day.

so keep a moderate consumption of eggs, so that you can benefit from eggs to the fullest and will not have to suffer the health consequences of eating too many eggs.

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