is mango good for UTI?

yup mango is good for the UTI. it contains a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals which are good for the UTI and for the overall health of the human body.

but too much mango is not good. eating mango in moderation can help you with your urinary tract infection (uti) but too much of it may cause you problems additional to the uti, because it contains a high amount of sugars and we know sugars are not in favor for the uti.

but still, the sugars that are found in the mango are better than the refined sugar that we put in our tea or coffee or the sugar that is found in cakes and cookies …etc.

the companies have added so many chemicals and stuff to the refined sugar that it became so unhealthy. while the natural sugar that is found in the mangoes is not as bad as the refined sugar but still you need to consume it in moderation because consuming a lot of it is bad for the uti.

now we are gonna see each one of the most important constituents of the mango and see it’s potential benefits to the urinary tract infection (UTI) or it’s dangers on the UTI.

the mango is very rich in vitamin C mango is one of the richest sources of vitamin C ( scientific name: ascorbic acid) in nature.

as I said in a previous article vitamin C is acidic in its nature, and we know that the bacteria that causes the urinary tract infection (uti) requires a basic (alkaline) medium to work in it comfortably.

so, when vitamin C makes the urine acidic this will make it hard for the bacteria that causes the uti to complete its process of spreading and proliferation, thereby vitamin C will impede the bacteria from making the infection worse and also help in treating the uti.

however, too much vitamin C means too much acidity in the urine, this will lead to other problems in your urinary tract like kidney stones, kidney salts, and others because the too much acidic urine is prone to the formation of kidney stones more than the neutral urine or the moderately acidic urine.

ps: the urinary tract means the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and others.

mangoes contain vitamin C more than the banana and less than the orange or grapefruit, so too much vitamin C is bad while moderate amounts of it is good.

mango also contains vitamin A:

vitamin A (scientific name: retinol ) has an indirect good effect on the uti.

vitamin A helps in regulating the immune system in our bodies, now there is a type of cells in our bodies known as “T-cells” one of the functions of these T-cells are recognizing foreign bad objects (like bacteria and others) that enter our bodies and attack it, it’s one of the most important parts in our immune system.

vitamin A helps in increasing the numbers of these T-cells, and by this vitamin A helps in strengthening our immune system to make it get rid of the bacteria that cause us many problems and one of these problems is the uti.

vitamin A also has other good effects to our bodies, vitamin A helps in vision, it’s so much important to the eyes also it contributes to skin health and many other functions.

additional information on vitamin A is in the watermelon article.

mangoes also have vitamin b1, b2, b3, b5, b6 and b9

all of these B vitamins play a major role in producing energy to the human body and in the formation of the DNA and RNA and the important amino acids in the human body.

these vitamins are good for the overall health of human beings. but, I haven’t noticed any direct effect from them on the uti. except maybe vitamin b6 and to a lesser extent vitamin b2 vitamin b6 decrease the formation of glucocorticoids, these glucocorticoids are responsible for reducing some of the functions of the immune system.

by decreasing the amount of these glucocorticoids vitamin b6 helps the immune system fight the bacteria more efficiently especially the bacteria that cause the uti.

the importance of vitamin b2 to uti patients is it has a role in the formation of vitamin b6.

another vitamin that is found in the mango is vitamin E

vitamin E is an antioxidant it protects the cells in our bodies from oxidative damage meaning that it protects us from cancer.

as for the uti, no direct relation between vitamin E and the uti have been found.

good thing wit the mangoes is that it has a low percentage of carbohydrates less than the banana. although it has more sugars than the banana the total amount of carbohydrates in the mangoes are less than the banana because sugars are also a form of carbohydrates.

ps: sugars are a more simple form of carbohydrates and the carbohydrates eventually are gonna be degraded into sugars in our bodies so sugars and carbohydrates are almost the same when they enter the human body.

having fewer sugars and carbohydrates than the banana is an advantage for the mangoes. but still, it’s a high amount of sugars.

sugars are not good for the uti because they are known to affect the immune system negatively but as I said before the sugars in the mango are natural sugars and it’s way less harmful than the fortified sugar that we put in our coffee every day.

but still, too much of it is not good.

Now we will speak about the minerals that are found in the mango Magnesium and manganese are found in the mango in a rather medium amount.

The magnesium has no direct effect on the uti although it is important for our bodies because it regulates many functions in the human body.

inadequate intake of the magnesium may result in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and other problems.

While manganese is found in many enzymes in the human body also it has an antioxidant (anticancer) activity, however, I haven’t found any direct relationship between manganese and the uti.

potassium is also found in mango in high amounts.

the high amounts of potassium in mango means that there are low amounts of sodium in it, which is a good thing, besides what we know that sodium can cause high blood pressureز

consuming high amounts of sodium can cause another problem and that problem is renal stones which in turn can result in a urinary tract infection (uti).

however, too much potassium can make the urine too much alkaline which can worsen the uti and also cause other problems so keep a moderate consumption of potassium in your meals, however, these problems have only been caused by taking potassium supplements, not from dietary potassium.

from what we have read it appears that vitamins and minerals play a vital role in protecting against UTI, mango contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that’s why it’s very good for people having UTI.

so what about a dietary supplement that contains all the vitamins and minerals needed to protect you against UTI.

it contains just the right concentration of vitamins like A, B, C, E, D, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, manganese to strengthen your immune system and also give energy to your body. Pharmaton vitality is the choice for you. check out its price on Amazon.


why does alkaline urine worsen the uti?

except for the sugars and carbohydrates that might be bad for the uti almost all of the constituents of the mango are beneficial to the uti either directly like vitamin C and vitamin A or indirectly like the B vitamins and vitamin E.

but they are only good if we consume them in a regular moderate amount otherwise they might turn bad.

so by that, we can reach the conclusion that the mango is good and O.K. to eat if you have a uti but keep a moderate consumption of it.

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