Yogurt for UTI

In this article, we will talk about what yogurt is, what its nutritional composition is, and of course, whether it is good for UTI or not.

As you know for yourself when you suffer from UTI, you are constantly worried for the disease not to recur, it must always be under control. UTI is such a disease that you constantly have to be on standby and constantly researching something new that might help you.

If you read this article to the end, you will see that yogurt can have benefits for UTI.

First off, what is yogurt?

Yogurt is one of the most used and favorite dairy products for a reason.

Many people use it as a beverage most often with breakfast with pastries, eggs, cereals, and other meals.

There are different types of yogurts, with a higher or lower percentage of milk fat and other substances, including fruit yogurts with different flavors. Yogurt is used everywhere in the world today.

In addition to regular yogurt, the diet also uses fruit yogurt, probiotic yogurt, and low-calorie yogurt.

They are very good and healthy in the diet of adults, children, and pregnant women. Yogurt is recommended as a food for people who do not tolerate milk in their diet. Because of the cheap production and easy storage and preparation of the meal, yogurt is used daily in the diet.

Yogurt is made by the natural process of fermenting milk with the help of bacteria.

The action of bacteria results in fermentation where the lactose is converted to lactic acid. The lactic acid is produced by bacterias which are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Enterococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, and others.

Yogurt is rich in nutrients, most of all protein and important minerals, and contains vitamins.

The main feature of all types of yogurt is that it is a probiotic beverage and that it promotes digestion and maintains the balance of the intestinal flora because it contains good bacteria that are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

In this way, it strengthens the immune system and works very favorably on UTI. Yogurt has a positive effect on metabolism, and therefore for UTI.

Yogurt ingredients

Yogurt is a true richness of nutrients.

Yogurt contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, potassium, calcium, and of course probiotics. Of the vitamins in yogurt, a small percentage contains vitamins A, C, D, and somewhat larger vitamins B, especially B2, B3, B6, B9, B12.

Yogurt has total carbohydrates 7gr, total fat 2gr, and total protein 5 gr (daily intake). Average yogurt is low in fat, low in carbohydrates, and a good source of milk protein.

Vitamin D is very important for calcium and phosphorus metabolism as it promotes the absorption of these minerals from the gut and allows them to be deposited in the bones.

It is necessary for proper bone and tooth growth and for good muscle and nerve tissue function. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin during sunbathing, while the needs for additional amounts of vitamin D are derived from food.

Vitamin D is very important for strengthening the immune system, which can have a beneficial effect on UTI.

Probiotics show an increase in the concentration of vitamin D. This is useful here because we have both probiotics and vitamin D in one place, which makes this formula good for boosting immunity, and therefore has a beneficial effect in the fight against UTI.

Vitamin B, which is one ingredient of yogurt is very important for metabolic functions in the body, such as the production of red blood cells. It improves blood count and strengthens immunity, which has a very beneficial effect on UTI.

Calcium is a high percentage of yogurt, it is important for strengthening the bones. Calcium leads to the formation of calcium oxalate in the kidneys, which can aggravate UTI because kidney stones can retain bacteria that aggravate UTI.

However, this can occur if a person consumes calcium through supplements, but not through dairy products, especially yogurt.

It is important to say that people who have kidney stones and drink yogurt, as a dairy product in large quantities, cannot aggravate their underlying disease, and thus do not adversely affect UTI.

Studies have shown that if more potassium is ingested, it can reduce water retention by increasing it by producing more urine and reducing sodium levels. This has the advantage of UTI because urinary retention causes UTI.

This has a beneficial effect on UTI. It shows its advantages in the UTI.

Potassium also can help prevent kidney stones. Calcium is an integral part of kidney stones, and studies show that potassium lowers urinary calcium.

So potassium can help fight kidney stones and the onset or worsening of UTI.

The probiotic effect of yogurt is the most famous and one of its most important strengths.

Most yogurts are probiotic, meaning that they contain good probiotic bacteria that maintain the balance of the intestinal flora, or expel harmful bacteria and other microorganisms that cause various inflammatory processes in the stomach, and therefore in the urinary tract, if the intestinal tract is healthy, affects the urinary tract and is suitable for UTI.

Yogurt, due to its abundance of protein, calories, and carbohydrates, provides the body with the energy it needs throughout the day, making it ideal for drinking at breakfast. Yogurt has a better effect on UTI when drunk in the morning before breakfast.

Yogurt proteins are low in volume, but this should not be a problem if one is suffering from UTI. However, if UTI is caused by kidney stones or uric acid salts then it is better to avoid foods or beverages that contain proteins from dairy products or ingest more water after a yogurt meal so as not to aggravate the UTI.

Different types of yogurt have different concentrations of fat. And these fats should not adversely affect UTI. Consuming large amounts of fat is the reason for obesity. Obesity is the trigger for diabetes and increased insulin secretion.

Increasing blood sugar levels also increases the number of bacteria that exacerbate UTI. Yogurt contains very little fat which has a beneficial effect on UTI.

Which is the best yogurt formula for UTI?

The best formula for UTI yogurt is that it contains billions of live and active probiotics, 0 percent fat, and no added sugar.

It is best to make homemade yogurt since it does not contain preservatives, stabilizers, flavors, thickeners, colors, sugar percent by yogurt stores mainly containing these ingredients.

You have plenty of starters on Amazon, such as the Bulgarian homemade yogurt. With this yogurt, you will get the right yogurt formulation for your UTI.

The facts of yogurt

You are not rich if you have more money, you are rich if you have a high level of good bacteria in the bowel. (Aleksandar Zlatanovic).

Yogurt contains the healthy bacteria “Lactobacillus acidophilus” and “Streptococcus thermophillus” which suppress harmful bacteria, which is very good for regulating the intestinal flora, as well as against many infections.

A group of probiotics called lactobacilli may help with treating and preventing UTI. It has been shown to have antibiotic activity, strengthens the immune system, and preserves the vitality of the body.

Remember that probiotic supplements are more effective than one cup of yogurt, but only if you take them regularly. But there is a problem because people forget to drink it, drink it irregularly. But if yogurt rich in probiotic cultures on the daily menu it can easily offset the daily needs.

Probiotics have been shown to play a role in reducing sugar, which has a beneficial effect on UTI.

Studies show that the use of probiotics to treat UTI can increasingly be used as a first step in regulating UTI to reduce the risk or cure of certain urinary diseases.

It is important to note that probiotics should not be considered a major cure for urogenital infections.

Probiotics should not replace the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

However, the available data promise that it will be a powerful option for improving and maintaining urogenital health.

New research has shown a way to limit recurrent UTI in women by offsetting naturally occurring bacteria living in the vagina.

7 of the 50 women who received the probiotic to receive naturally occurring bacteria during the study received UTI again for a 10-week period, compared with 13 of the 50 women who received the placebo, according to this study.

Patients take antibiotics for UTI as therapy, and they act on both good and bad bacteria. However, in some women bad bacteria again cause UTI.

Probiotics can help restore good bacteria to prevent bad bacteria from causing recurrent UTI.

Therefore, the formulation of yogurt is good for UTI but caution should be exercised when co-administering UTI medicines and yogurt.

Most urogenital microflora originates from the intestine. Expressions have shown that the daily oral intake of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum can modify the vaginal flora.

The use of probiotic organisms partially normalized the flora, which opens up the possibility of possible long-term therapy for pregnant women and those suffering from UTI. That is why it is good to drink yogurt that is rich in these beneficial bacteria.

You can look at amazon for some organic probiotic yogurts that are good to use in people with UTI, one of them is this one.

Yogurt contains a lot of useful bacteria, however, drinking lots of yogurt with UTI should be limited, because in people suffering from UTI the immune system is weak and it can cause these good bacteria to turn bad and worsen the condition, which is very rare, however. one should be careful.

Studies show that the use of probiotics to treat UTI can increasingly be used as a first step in regulating UTI to reduce the risk or cure of certain urinary diseases.

Regardless of the fact that probiotic bacteria have great health benefits, one group of authors has shown that probiotic bacteria in supplements can show resistance to multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are effective against both Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones used to treat UTI.

That is why it is much better to drink the yogurt instead of taking probiotic supplements if you are on antibiotic therapy for UTI. Of course, there must be a break between yogurt and antibiotics for 3 hours.

Side Effects & Safety

Yogurt is safe when drunk orally.

There are not any reported side effects, but some people may have diarrhea, stomach problems, or skin rashes. Side effects may occur if yogurt is contaminated with bacteria that cause disease.

It is best to use yogurt that is properly made and stored at the right temperature.

If you are allergic to cow’s milk protein from yogurt, this is not a problem.

There is a solution for you too. Soy yogurts have a number of proteins that are comparable to cow’s milk yogurts and contain healthy, unsaturated fats and do not cause allergies.

Studies show that soy products can lower cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar levels, especially in people suffering from diabetes, and this has a beneficial effect on UTI, as it lowers the concentration of bad bacteria that exacerbate UTI.


1. Tetracycline interacts with yogurt.

Yogurt contains calcium. Calcium from yogurt can bind to tetracyclines in the stomach. This reduces the amount of tetracycline (which you use for example if you have chlamydia in addition to UTI) to be absorbed.

Taking calcium with tetracyclines can reduce the effectiveness of tetracyclines. To avoid this interaction, take yogurt two hours before or four hours after taking tetracycline.

2. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) interacts with yogurt

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic is used in the treatment of UTI.

Yogurt might decrease how much ciprofloxacin the body absorbs.

Taking yogurt along with ciprofloxacin might decrease the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin. Therefore, it is best to get yogurt at least one hour after ciprofloxacin to avoid this interaction.

3. Medications that suppress the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interacts with yogurt

Yogurt contains live healthy bacteria. The immune system usually controls bacteria in the body to prevent infections. Medications that cause the immune system to crash can increase your chance of getting a bacterial infection.

Taking yogurt along with medications that reduce the immune system can increase your chances of getting sick. Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), and others.

If you suffer from UTI but are also on immunosuppressive therapy, make sure you drink yogurt before or after you take the therapy.

The best way to use yogurt for UTI

When you have a urinary infection (UTI) and use therapy, probiotics are also recommended. Probiotics can help balance the “bad” bacteria while alleviating the symptoms that occur with urinary infections.

Yogurt is a food rich in probiotic culture. I

t is recommended that you use yogurts rich in probiotic cultures, Greek yogurt, or kefir while avoiding fruit yogurts, because of the added sugar.

The addition of sugar in yogurt can adversely affect UTI and worsen the condition of people suffering from UTI.

One patient’s experience is that consuming one liter of yogurt rich in probiotic cultures daily for seven days helped cure UTI after using antibiotic therapy. After seven days of drinking yogurt, this patient did an analysis and was amazed when she received the findings.

There was no sign of bacteria. The doctor couldn’t believe it. In addition to yogurt, she also used bearberry tea but also reduced her diet.

One recommendation to use yogurt rich in probiotic cultures to treat UTI is mixed with garlic.

Garlic because of the content of allicin as a sulfur compound that acts as an antimicrobial enhances this combination and has a very beneficial effect on UTI.

2 slices of garlic are cut in the evening and poured into a yogurt cup.

This mixture is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Therapy should last at least 10 days and after that the results are excellent.

Be sure to try this recipe and of course let me know your impressions.

When you cannot use yogurt for UTI

Yogurt is very useful because it contains probiotic cultures, but you should also be careful with its consumption.

If you suffer from UTI, you have impaired immunity, so ingesting good bacteria in the form of probiotics can sometimes lead to it’s turning into bad bacteria. This is very rare, but you should always be on the lookout.


1. Yogurt contains many probiotic cultures and is very good for boosting immunity. But of course, everything should be as moderate as consuming yogurt so as not to aggravate UTI.

2. Yogurt probiotics and probiotics generally should not replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor. They can only be used as an adjunct to basic therapy, and are best used after the antibiotic therapy you received for UTI.

3. It is best to drink yogurt in the morning for the body to gain energy and for good bacteria to act in the right way for the body and for the body to cope with UTI.

And lastly, as you read this article, I hope you have received a lot of useful tips and will be of service to you if a UTI is repeated.

Ph. Abbas

A pharmacist who decided to write detailed articles about urinary tract infections (UTI).