Every article or blog post on this website is written, edited, and supervised by a medical doctor and/or a pharmacist. On this website, we make sure that every single piece of information is provided to the reader by the people who are qualified to do so.

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Can I drink decaf coffee with UTI?

Urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria from the rectum travel upward in the urinary tract system (bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys), and multiply in normally sterile urine to cause...

Neem for UTI

Neem is really an amazing plant with enormous health benefits, however, these benefits have not been fully utilized on a scientific basis until now. The only problem with Neem is the route of...

Is mango good for UTI?

Yup mango is good for the UTI. it contains a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals which are good for the UTI and for the overall health of the human body. but too much mango is not good. eating...