Every article or blog post on this website is written, edited, and supervised by a medical doctor and/or a pharmacist. On this website, we make sure that every single piece of information is provided to the reader by the people who are qualified to do so.

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Oatmeal Baths for UTI: A Complete Guide

Oatmeal possesses great anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and skin-soothing properties that can be very useful for a lot of skin conditions, but here people are asking for oatmeal baths and whether if...

Vinegar baths for UTI

If you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or any kind of related condition, you might be interested in knowing whether vinegar baths can be useful in the management of urinary tract infections...

Can I drink Pedialyte for UTI?

Yes, indeed, UTI patients and people who want to prevent UTI can drink Pedialyte to help them with their illness as it would be a great way to prevent dehydration in this group of...

Is Gatorade good for UTI?

In this article, we will investigate whether it's good for people who suffer from UTI to drink Gatorade or not. In a quick manner, it would not be good for UTI patients or for people who want to...

Is rice good for UTI?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections of the urinary system, as the name implies, and one thing that infections need in order for us to recover from them or prevent them is a strong and...

Does junk food cause UTI?

Have you ever noticed the way you pass urine when you go to the bathroom at periods of time where you have been eating a lot of junk food? Have you ever noticed that you have been urinating with more...