Every article or blog post on this website is written, edited, and supervised by a medical doctor and/or a pharmacist. On this website, we make sure that every single piece of information is provided to the reader by the people who are qualified to do so.

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Have you ever gone to a hospital and been given an IV solution? Do you remember the feeling you got after receiving that solution? Yup if you weren’t that ill, you probably would remember feeling...

Betadine feminine wash for UTI

Hello. For you, our dear female readers, we have prepared a very interesting article about Betadine feminine wash and how it affects UTI. Can Betadine feminine wash be used to prevent UTI? How it...

Do baths make UTI worst?

This article will talk about whether baths can make UTI worse. Namely, if women who already have UTI sit in a hot tub or take baths, it can increase irritation. Detergents used for cleaning can...

Klebsiella pneumoniae UTI treatment

Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the types of bacteria that normally live in the digestive tract, ie in the human intestines, and does not cause any disease there. However, if there is a reduction...